Publicado há 4 years • 2 min de leituramin reading

Want to help? Donate blood, make a supermarket, support families.

There are many ways to help those in need during this period of fighting the coronavirus pandemic. Meet some of them.

Social isolation is necessary to combat the new coronavirus. However, not leaving home is a challenge for the most vulnerable parts of the population. If you are aware of this and want to do your part to contribute to society, our blog brings some ideas that can make all the difference for those who need it.

Donate blood

The pandemic has hit stockpiles of blood banks around the world. It was no different in São Paulo. Social isolation has made far fewer people available to donate blood. Fundação Pró-Sangue, the public institution responsible for supplying blood to hospitals in Greater São Paulo, took several measures to protect the donor. Among them, the scheduled donation, by appointment, the change in the arrangement of chairs in the waiting room, in addition to the availability of alcohol gel in all rooms of all units where the service is performed.

To be a donor, you must be between 16 and 69 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and carry an original document with photo. It is recommended to avoid fatty foods four hours before donation. And also alcoholic drinks, twelve hours earlier. People with the flu or cold must wait seven days after complete recovery to donate.

The donation can be scheduled on the website of the Fundação Pró-Sangue.

Shopping for seniors

The elderly population is among those most at risk of health complications and death in case of contamination by covid-19. For this reason, many people in buildings and condominiums are organizing themselves to go to the supermarket, pharmacy and do other necessary purchases for the elderly who need it. A kindness that makes all the difference for the elderly.

Families that help each other

You and your family can help other families who are struggling at the moment. For this, there are several platforms that are bridging the gap between who can help and who needs. Among them the Movimento # FamíliaApoiaFamília click here to know. It is an open platform that calls on family groups to donate and care for themselves in such a delicate moment, supported by the Center Norte Institute. The movement directly connects those who want to help with NGOs that need support to bring basic supplies to destitute families.

Blog Tip
How about helping those who live near you? Find out in neighborhood associations about the needs and task forces that are being carried out at this moment. Helping can be simpler – and much more important – than you might think.

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