Publicado há 3 years • 1 min de leituramin reading

Remote service stores

Here at Lar Center you buy online with our tenants and choose how to receive or withdraw.

Delivery (delivered to your home via the Uber Eats, Rappi and Ifood apps or carriers – check directly with storeowners). see more See more
Drive Thru (you remove the product without leaving the car and with all hygiene care). See more

Check out all the Lar Center stores that have remote service:

Click on the name of the store you want and contact us right now via WhatsApp.

Carpetão Decorações (11) 9885-4242
Castor (11) 2252-3050 / (11) 94887-9921 /
Clami (11) 99907-8176
Doural (11) 94372-8879
Líder Interiores (11) 99307-4005
Monlline (11) 98855-4242
Ponto Frio (11) 97580-1616
Sofá & Colchões (11) 98704-1550
Trend Casual Home (11) 94502-8273
Todeschini (11) 97437-6084

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