Publicado há 4 years • 1 min de leituramin reading

Cinema: list of postponed films and canceled recordings

Did you know that Covid-19 also affected the film industry?

In addition to the closing of cinemas to avoid crowds of people, some films had their release date postponed and others, until the cancellation of the recordings.

Check out below some films that we will have to wait a little longer to check on the big screens. We hope that all this will pass soon so that we can enjoy a good movie together at the Cinema do Lar Center.

  • 007: no time to die

The traditional sequence of this classic had its release changed from March to November this year.

  • A quiet place 2

The sequence of the film will also be postponed, however, still with no release date.

  • Fast and Furious 9

The forecast for the movie starring Vin Diesel to appear in theaters is only in 2021.

  • The Girl Who Killed Her Parents and The Boy Who Killed My Parents

The controversial Richthofen crime film was already being advertised in movie trailers, however, it will also be postponed. No date yet announced.

  • Mulan

Disney’s big debut this year would be Mulan, but due to the pandemic, the film that was scheduled for March is still without a release date.

  • Trolls 2

The animation should arrive on the cinema screens only in October.

  • Shang-Chii

The production of the kung-fu film had its filming suspended.

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